How to Prepare for a Vacation as a Business Owner

How to Prepare for a Vacation as a Business Owner

Taking a vacation as a business owner is possible and highly recommended. As someone who has come back from a one-month vacation, here are my five tips to prepare and make sure everything doesn’t fall apart while you’re gone.

3 Takeaways from Master Your Time Master Your Life by Brian Tracy

3 Takeaways from Master Your Time Master Your Life by Brian Tracy

Even if time is one of our most precious resources, many people live in a "reactive-responsive” mode. In Master Your Time, Master Your Life, bestselling author Brian Tracy shares timeless tips to manage and make the most of your time in every area of your life. My 3 Takeaways inside. 

3 Takeaways from Grit by Angela Duckworth

3 Takeaways from Grit by Angela Duckworth

In the bestselling book, Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance, pioneering psychologist Angela Duckworth suggests that instead of IQ, talent, social skills, or other factors, the one crucial determinant of success is, in fact, grit. My 3 Takeaways inside.