3 Takeaways from The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss

The 4-Hour Workweek | ProductiveandFree

When I first heard about The 4-Hour Workweek, I figured it was another get-rich-quick gimmick. I mean, how can you only work four hours a week, be able to live the lifestyle you want, and even support a family?

But in his best-selling book, Timothy Ferriss answers this exact question and addresses other concerns as well. If you're interested in knowing how to "escape 9-5, live anywhere, and join the New Rich," I highly recommend this book. 

Here are my 3 Takeaways:


1. It is possible

When I first heard about The 4-Hour Workweek, I figured it was another get-rich-quick gimmick. I mean, how can you only work four hours a week, be able to live the lifestyle you want, and even support a family?

But after I began reading a few pages, I realized being a successful mobile entrepreneur is what immediately sets him apart from other authors. He outlines his past decisions and strategies, both those that worked and didn't work altogether.

Letting go of wrong core assumptions is a main component of success — thinking it is possible allows it to be doable.


2. Use the acronym DEAL

D stands for definition, E is for elimination, A is for automation, and L is for liberation. 

You may have to first question some beliefs that are holding you back. Is the Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm thing really working for you or your company? Do your activities push the needle or simply waste time? Do you personally have to do a specific task or can you delegate it to another person or a virtual assistant? Is your presence necessary or can you work from your laptop elsewhere?

3. Identify the best methods to reach your goals

He explains that many people set their goal as making a million dollars (too vague and not time-bound) and try to accomplish this by working themselves to the bone 60+ hours a week, thinking this is the only way to go.

But is this really what you want for your life?

The alternative is to be able to take "mini retirements" on a regular basis and pursue activities that excite you. How do you accomplish this? Assess and take action.

Want to read this book yourself?

Click here to grab your copy of The 4-Hour Workweek from Amazon.com*

Or get two free audiobooks from Audible*.

*Disclosure: These are affiliate links which means if you click and purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you. 

3 Takeaways

Since one of the best ways to improve ourselves is to commit to continuous learning, this post is part of the blog mini-series called 3 Takeaways where I discuss three insights from thought-provoking leaders, books, and podcasts. 

My purpose initially was to simply read more books, but the learnings were too valuable to keep to myself.  My goal has since been to share the vital lessons that will help you be productive and free.