6 Factors to Look for When Choosing the Right Nursing School

Choosing the Right Nursing School | ProductiveandFree

Applying to nursing school is a major undertaking. Before submitting applications, you'll want to ensure you're pursuing the right program. When picking a college, you probably have a lot of queries, such as what makes a program a good fit. Understanding how to select a nursing institution is crucial to getting a solid education that prepares you for success as a nurse. Keep reading to discover what to look for in a nursing program.

#1 Accreditation

As you begin preparing for nursing classes, ensure that your selected program has proper approvals from the state and accreditation organizations. Attending a state-approved program is necessary to become eligible for RN licensure. Accreditation is also important because it allows the option to pursue additional nursing degrees later.

#2 Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing (ABSN)

Accelerated nursing programs are an excellent option for students wanting to get their nursing degree quickly. Instead of taking four years like a regular BSN, they condense all the same classes into 12, 16, or 24 months with the same quality. However, ABSN programs demand strong dedication and commitment as they have a much tighter schedule.

#3 Flexible Start Options

Select a nursing degree that provides multiple intake dates throughout the year. Institutes offering recurring start times allow students to begin their studies sooner than waiting for an annual start date. Schools can take more students if they have multiple start dates. This means your chances of getting accepted are higher.

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#4 Quality of Clinical Rotations

Clinical rotations are essential to nursing school. Here, students apply what they've learned in the classroom to real patients. Nursing truly comes to life, and students learn the skills of patient care firsthand. One of the signs of an excellent nursing course is the quality and quantity of clinical learning opportunities it provides. 

It's essential to find out how many hours of hands-on experience students will get, where these rotations will take place, such as hospitals or clinics, and the ratio of instructors to students. A high-quality program will arrange all clinical placements for students so they don't have to worry about setting them up themselves.

#5 Online Versus In-Person Coursework

When choosing a nursing school, it's important to consider whether the program utilizes online or in-person classes. Many four-year bachelor's degree programs and some accelerated options follow a traditional model with face-to-face lectures and coursework done on campus daily.

However, programs that include some online classes provide more flexibility. Online classes allow students to learn according to their schedules from any location. This may be a better option for those who prefer having flexibility in how and where they study.

#6 Technology

When touring potential institutions, pay attention to the technology available in libraries, classrooms, and labs. This includes more than just computers; some schools have advanced simulation equipment in labs to allow practicing clinical skills on campus. Nursing programs should offer skills labs and simulation labs.

Skills labs teach hands-on techniques like IV insertion through hands-on practice. Simulation labs then apply these skills to realistic patient scenarios using high-fidelity manikins. The lab environment promotes learning from mistakes in a safe setting.


Considering important things like accreditation will help you pick the nursing school that gives you the best chance to do well as a nurse.  If you choose carefully, you'll get a great education that sets you up to succeed on the licensure test.

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