What to Eat to Boost Productivity and Feel Good

Boost Productivity and Feel Good | ProductiveandFree

Ever heard of the phrase “you are what you eat”? Though this was a scaremongering phrase used throughout the noughties, it does have a slight element of truth. Here at Productive and Free, we aren’t about chanting about the newest diets on the markets, or weight loss fads, but instead, we’re passionate about building up our health and feeling good while doing it.   

We live in a world where health truly matters, but so does living fast and free — so how can you be healthy while living in the moment? We know as well as the next person that finding time to eat can be hard for some, especially when you’re juggling a busy family life or working long hours. One moment you’re dashing to the office fuelled with coffee; the next you’re grabbing your first meal of the day after 2 p.m.  — it’s not great, but it does happen.  

We’re here to stop the burnout feeling and help you feel good no matter what. To truly nourish yourself inside and out, you need to take a long, hard look at the things you eat. We certainly don’t want you fuelling up on leaves and lettuce, but good quality products that can satisfy every craving. Snacks as a whole play a super important role in giving you the energy to go about your day, and we’re here to help you do it right. In this blog, we’re going to be taking a look at some easy snack options that you can incorporate into your routine. And the best part about fuelling up throughout the day?  Boosting productivity and feeling fresh. Let’s get planning. 

Why is smart snacking important?

If you work a regular 9-5 and barely have time to grab lunch, then you may not be giving your body enough nutrition to truly thrive. Food as a whole is a tool that maintains your productivity and helps you at work, which is why you should pay careful attention to what you eat.   

The important factors below can be added to any kind of snack routine to make sure that you never miss out on the brain power you need. Whether it’s for your next gaming session, a day of work, or if you’re preparing good gaming snacks for yourself and friends — you should always incorporate the right level of nutrition to feed your body and mind. 

But why specifically?

  • Energy levels: Healthy snacks are needed, as skipping meals or living off sugary snacks can lead to those dreaded energy crashes or mood swings. You need to grab a balanced, healthy snack to keep your blood levels in check and stop those midday sleepies that creep up on you unwanted.   

  • Crashes at lunchtime: If you’re someone that hits a new level of tiredness by lunch, it’s because your body is craving nutrition. You should shop around for some high-protein snacks, mixed with healthy fats and carbs to help you power through the day — even without the coffee. Trust us, it works.   

  • Helps brain focus: Above all else, your brain just needs feeding good food. Just like the rest of your body, your mind needs to be fuelled with high nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and fiber.  

Simple snacks to add to your routine

Snacks are needed when time is not on your side. They can make a huge difference in avoiding crashes throughout the day and helping you feel energized. Here’s a quick rundown for you to add to your next week's groceries — because trust us, the productivity levels need it.   

1. Yogurt and fruit: This one is such a simple yet effective snack. All you need is a cup of yogurt, and you’ll be fueled with a brilliant amount of protein. Top the yogurt with fresh berries or banana and enjoy all the natural sugars you need to thrive throughout the day. Not only is this packed with the vitamins you need, but it’s also super easy to make, and can be eaten on the go. Win-win.   

2. Vegetable sticks and hummus: We all know that this is the OG of the snack world, and it’s a fail-safe snack that can be prepped way in advance. Simply slice up carrots, cucumbers, or veggies of your choice, and dunk them in a delicious pot of hummus. You’ve got the fiber and vitamins from the veg and healthy fats from the hummus. Perfect!   

3. Hard-boiled eggs: We know this sounds too easy, but it is one of the healthiest snacks you can add to your roster. Boil them the night before work, pop them in your bag, and you’ve got a great snack all day long. It will give you a protein-packed day, while fuelling you up on Vitamin D.   

4. Peanut butter and fruit slices: All you need to do is grab a nut butter of any kind and slice up some apples for a healthy sweet treat while out and about. Almond and peanut butter are the most popular choices and are actually a great source of fat and protein. Dip the apple slices in, and you’ve got yourself a brilliant source of Vitamin C. Top tip? Feed this to the little ones in the family, and they won’t quite believe that this sweet treat is a healthy snack in disguise! 


As you can see, food is the answer to many things and is the ticket to keeping your body healthy and happy. We’re buzzing with new ideas, but are always open to newer ones — what’s your productivity secret? We’d love to hear!

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